Very glad to see you've achieved it, from a student's growth to becoming a professional technician. Keep going! Do anything you want to do
My Mentor·Jin
A tool that once acquired, becomes difficult to part with. It makes my work much easier, turning tasks that used to require a lot of effort into simple, few-step processes. It's a highly creative and innovative way of accomplishing things
Since 2014, when we started working on flash data recovery, we have been committed to developing our own monolith pinout. However, up until today, there are still a large number of pinout that need to be developed. Sometimes, when we can't find donors, we have no choice but to abandon the case. It's frustrating because nobody shares their work online, which is terrible since every practitioner has to reinvent the wheel. Now, this will be changed
Building 5, Qiaoxing Garden, Guowei Road, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China
+86 13059905107